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Project Experience
OUR experience
Third Phase of Longbridge Town Centre – Involved in the design and construction of hotels, restaurants, multi-storey car parks/car parks and retail which included the UK’s largest out of town Marks and Spencer.
The design of 1500m of estate infrastructure including main access roads and drainage conveyance to the River Rea outfall.
The creation of two public realm spaces, Austin Park (involving bi-furcation culvert of the River rea) and Longbridge Square.

Residential – Undertaken numerous residential developments with various housebuilders comprising traditional housing estates to high-density development/high rise, of sizes ranging from 20 to 500 plots, providing master planning guidance, site development strategies/appraisals, S38/S278/S104 agreements, and retrospective adoptions.

Everards Meadows, Value £22m – Involved in the design and construction of retail, and new brewery space. The scheme involved the construction of a new signalised junction and associated S278 highway access, earthworks, levels and drainage design for the external works.
Fosse Park Retail Leicester. Value £28m – Involved in the design and construction of retail space for Crown Estates. The scheme involved the co-ordination of public sewers within a narrow corridor, provision of S278/S38 highway access work, culverted watercourse diversion, outline and full planning application support, SUDs appraisals, and Highway Information signage. Also involved in the demolition process of the existing Everards Brewery.